Where you can attend Dawn Services this ANZAC Day
Where you can pay your respects to our fallen heroes.

Breaking News
ANZAC Day is Tuesday, April 25, with dawn services taking place all over the country to commemorate our brave veterans and fallen soldiers from both sides of the Tasman Sea.
For those wishing to attend one of the multitude of commemorative ceremonies, RSL NSW has provided an extensive list of RSL Sub-branches who will be hosting dawn services around the state on the morning of April 25.
With hundreds of services across the state and country, we've assembled this list of local dawn services for residents in the west of Sydney. Some, but not all dawn services will be preceded by marches.
For further information please visit the NSW RSL online.

BURWOOD: Burwood War Memorial. Burwood Rd, Burwood. 630am
CANTERBURY: Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL. Canterbury Rd, Hurlstone Park. 530am
CHESTER HILL-CARRAMAR: Chester Hill Cenotaph. Chester Hill Rd, Chester Hill. 645am
BLACKTOWN: Club Blacktown. 40 Second Ave, Blacktown. 530am
PARRAMATTA: Prince Alfred Square. Church Street, Parramatta. 430am
CUMBERLAND: Granville Memorial Park. Memorial Dr, Granville. 6am
FAIRFIELD: Fairfield Park. Honour Ave, Fairfield. 515am
GLENORIE: Memorial Hall. Old Northern Rd, Glenorie. 6am
HILLS DISTRICT: Galston Memorial Cenotaph. Galston Rd, Galston. 6am
LAKEMBA: Lakemba Memorial. The Boulevarde, Lakemba. 7am
LIDCOMBE: Remembrance Park. James St, Lidcombe. 5am
PENRITH: Memory Park. Woodriff St, Penrith. 5am
ROOTY HILL: Pinegrove Memorial Park. Kingston St, Minchinbury. 455am
RICHMOND: Richmond Park. East Market St, Richmond. 5am
SEVEN HILLS-TOONGABBIE: Toongabbie RSL. Best Rd, Seven Hills. 6am
ST MARYS: St Marys Diggers Club. Mamre Rd, St Marys. 5am
WINDSOR & DISTRICT: McQuade Park. George St, Windsor. 550am